
WHERE AS, it is essential to ensure worker-employer relations are governed by basic principles of rights and obligations with a view to enabling workers and employers to secure durable industrial peace; sustainable productivity and competitiveness through cooperative engagement towards the all-round development of our country; WHEREAS, it has been found necessary to lay do wn a wo rking system that guarantees the rights of workers and employers to freely establish their respective associations and to engage, through their duly authorized representatives, in social dialogue and collective bargaining, as well as to draw up procedures for the expeditious settlement of labour disputes, which arise between them; WHEREAS, there is a need to create favorable environment for investment and achievement of national economic goals without scarifying fundamental workplace rights by laying down well considered labour administration; and determine the duties and responsibilities of governmental organs entrusted with the power to monitor labour conditions; occupational health and safety; and environmental protection together with bilateral and tripartite social dialogue mechanisms;political, economic and social policies of the Country; WHEREAS, it has been found necessary to reformulate the existing labour law with a view to attaining the aforementioned objectives and in accordance with the and in conformity with the international conventions and other legal commitments to which Ethiopia is a party;


1/ Without prejudice to Sub-Article (2) of this Article, this Proclamation shall be applicable to employment relations based on a contract of employment that exist between a worker and an employer including recruitment process. 2/ This Proclamation shall not, however, be applicable to the following employment relations: a) contracts for the purpose of upbringing, treatment, care or rehabilitation; b) contracts for the purpose of educating or training other than apprentice; c) where the employee is a managerial employee ; d) contracts of personal service ; e) contracts relating to persons such as members of the Armed Force, members of the Police Force, employees of state administration, judges of courts of law, prosecutors and others whose employment relationship is governed by special laws; f) Contracts relating to a person who performs an act, for consideration, at his own business or professional responsibility. 3/ Notwithstanding the provision of Sub-Article(1) of this Article:a) unless the Council of Ministers by regulation decides, or an international agreement to which Ethiopia is a signatory provides otherwise, employment relations between Ethiopian n a t i o n a l s and foreign diplomatic missions or international organizations operating with in the territory of Ethiopia shall be governed by this Proclamation; b) the Council of Ministers may, by Regulation, determine the inapplicability of this Proclamation to employment relations established by religious or charitable organizations; c) the Council of Ministers shall issue Regulation governing conditions of work applicable to personal services


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